Climate Change

  • Heavy investment into nuclear energy
  • Ban on single use plastics
  • Tightening of restrictions of CO2 emissions and penalties for using “dirty” fuel sources
  • Focus on corporate pollutants, thousands of individual carbon footprints are dwarfed by single corporate footprints
  • Explore options to relocate high water consumption farming away from California and the West to ease drought conditions

Death Penalty

  • Abolish death penalty at federal level
  • A single wrongful conviction invalidates ANY rightful one
  • If convicted of death penalty equivalent crime, allow choice of euthanasia or life imprisonment without parole

Drug Reform

  • Decriminalize all drugs
  • Regulate and tax marijuana at levels equivalent to alcohol and tobacco
  • Allow clinical research of hallucinogens and mushrooms
  • Expand rehab facilities to offer risk free help for addiction
  • Sale and distribution of “hard drugs” (bath salts, fentanyl) will still be punishable. Cut off line to be determined

Education (Under 18)

  • Greatly expand funding for all schools, both teacher pay and school budget for supplies
  • Reduce administration pay
  • Provide comprehensive afterschool programs
  • Expand funding for sports, music, and the arts
  • Remove zero tolerance policies

Education (Over 18)

  • Free college education
  • Professors cannot require their own self written textbooks
  • Total out of pocket costs cannot exceed 1/2 annual minimum wage


  • 21 days PTO standard for all jobs
  • 18 days paid bereavement for all jobs
  • 7 sick paid sick days
  • 6 months paid maternity and paternity leave
  • Minimum wage replaced with living wage
  • All jobs must offer a yearly raise to AT LEAST match annual inflation
  • Union formation cannot be discouraged


  • Options of physician assisted or medicinal home suicide for those with terminal illness, old age, or mental illness

Family Planning

  • Abortion legal at the federal level
  • Contraception protected at the federal level
  • Free tubal litigation / vasectomy for any person WITHOUT outside approval over the age of 21

Free Speech

  • Direct threats of violence or intentional incites of panic (Fire! in a theater) are NOT protected speech
  • Social media is owned by PRIVATE companies and, therefore, NOT protected 


  • Redrawing of all US districts
  • Finding the longest lengthwise section, each state will be split into equidistant slices (i.e. California will have slices going down, while Tennessee will have slices going across)
  • Allow multicandidate districts

Gun Control

  • Background checks for all purchases
  • Private sales must go through broker
  • Ban on assault weapons, you can still go to ranges and rent them for fun
  • If used in crime, both perpetrator and person of registration receive equal punishment


  • Universal healthcare
  • Removal of pre existing conditions
  • No referrals needed for specialists/imaging
  • Dental/vision included as they are in fact part of human anatomy
  • Medications maximum cost of 2 hours living wage per monthly supply
  • Hospital costs capped at 4 hours living wage per day
  • Ambulances free


  • Demilitarize borders
  • Increase in visa center personnel
  • Removal of ICE
  • Greatly reduce wait times and requirements for acquiring citizenship


  • Revoke all special treatment and funding
  • Recognize Palestinian crisis and pressure Israeli action


  • Any union between two consenting adults will be recognized and protected at the federal level
  • Polygamy allowed but capped at 2 additional spouses, all must be consenting (total of 4 person married unit)

Net Neutrality

  • Protect full equal access to all online content at the federal level
  • Ban preferential site speed
  • Ban data caps and throttling
  • Full transparency and opt-out options for user tracking

Police Reform

  • Police no longer eligible for military surplus gear
  • If body cam is turned off, officer is immediately guilty of any associated convicted crime/misconducted
  • No-knock warrants are banned
  • Physical fitness test must be passed every 9 months to maintain badge
  • Ineligible for self investigation
  • All misconduct cases are paid for with pension funds

Prison Reform

  • Prison labor allowed only if paid at least 1/2 living wage and offered 4 floating days off of choice per month and is voluntary labor
  • Ban of solitary confinement
  • Expansion or prison education and re-entry programs
  • No minimum sentences

Public Transportation

  • Expansion of bus, subway, rail, and bike options
  • High-speed interstate rail investments
  • Free buses
  • Removal of toll roads

Social Security

  • Prevention of insolvency
  • Remove early and late options, 65 is the only age eligible
  • Amount tied to living wage

Supreme Court

  • 10 year term limit
  • 12 justices
  • 4 up for reelection every 3 1/3 years
  • Age limit minimum of 30 and maximum of 60 at time of election

Tax Reform

  • Tax filing is automatic
  • Corporate tax hikes
  • Increase of taxes for high earners
  • Increase of capital gains tax
  • Introduction of wealth tax
  • Close estate tax loopholes
  • Elimination of tax for those earning living wage

Universal Basic Income

  • Everyone with social security number over the age of 16 receives 40hours of living wage per month


  • Whistleblowers immune to persecution if announcing breaking of law or story of immense public interest
  • If fired from job for whistleblowing, receive one years pay at rate at time of firing
  • All whistleblowing events will be announced publicly at Whitehouse briefing the morning following the revelation